Eugène Leroy

A film by Christophe Loizillon – 26 mn – 1995


Eugène Leroy is a painter. After having remained unknown for a long time, his work is internationally renowned today – a fact which has had no effect on his way of living and of painting.
The film incorporates two gazes: that of Eugène Leroy set on Marina, his young partner whom he paints every day, and that of Marina set on Eugène whom she films in Super 8. They become, in turn, each other’s model. Through this intimate portrait, the filmmaker’s point of view slowly disappears to better grasp this double perception, to soak in the artist’s workplace and in the words of a great painter.


Production : Agat Films & Cie, CRRAV, France 3 Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie

Scenario : Christophe Loizillon / Photography : Patrick Estienne / Sound : Francis Richard / Image editing : Alain Caron

Watch and download the entire film

EUGèNE LEROY in French with English subtitles (or English version) on Vimeo (private, please send us a message to get the password)