3 faces
A film by Christophe Loizillon – 44 mn – 2016
Still frames

The film reveals six long shots of different faces. A little girl, a young girl and an old lady each go through birth and death in their own way…
Production : Les Films du rat
Cast : Isabelle Sadoyan / Camille Rutherford / Clémence Rousseau / Loïc Pichon / Bert Haelvoet / Claire Gorisse / Simon Grass / Adrien Rambaud
Scenario : Christophe Loizillon / Photography : Aurélien Devaux / Sound : François Waledisch, Jean Marc Schick / Image editing : Sarah Turoche / Set decoration : Léa Alric
Watch and download the entire film
3 FACES in French with English subtitles (or English version) on Vimeo (private, please send us a message to get the password)